Who We Are
The Bowie Public Library is located at 301 Walnut. It provides free services to all residents living within the Montague County boundaries.
The library system holds over 32,000 materials including books, audiobooks, DVDs, and E-Books/Digital Books.
In addition to circulation of these items, thousands of people entered the library to utilize print and electronic reference resources, access the Internet through the Library’s public computers, free Wi-fi service, or attend one of the Library’s many events and programs.
Our friendly and professional staff is eager to serve you. Welcome to Your Public Library!
Our Mission
Provide resources and services to meet the needs of our clients, both recreational and informational.
Provide meeting space for community organizations and events.
Provide programs and activities to residents of all ages
Provide materials in all formats
Provide the absolutely most effective and friendliest service possible !!
Friends of the Bowie Public Library
The Friends of the Bowie Public Library is a 501c3 non-profit organization that helps support library programs through various fundraisers throughout the year. The Friends meetings are open to the public and they would love for you to attend and join to support the library. Meeting are held at the library the second Monday of the month at 10 a.m., September - May.
Current officers of the Friends are
President - Geneva Tomlin
Vice President - Alicia Betts
Secretary - Becky Winn
Treasure - Ann Smith
Library Director - Beth Hiatt